Tato Tattoo Booking
Service Fees
Refund Policy Terms of Service Service Fee Privacy Policy
All our policies are designed to be quick and easy to undestand. We stay out of the way of the Artist-Client Relationship. Our goal is to create a process that ends in more tattoos that are happily and successfully completed.
Terms We Use
Artist-Client Relationship
: The interactions between the Tattoo Artist and the Client.
72-Hour Window
: A booking time that is within 72 hours of the current time.
Secondary Confirmation
: After the artist accepts your request, if you pick a booking time that is already within the 72-Hour Window
, the booking requires Secondary Confirmation from the Artist to make sure they are ready and able to keep the appointment.
Full Refund
: The deposit and the Service Fees are refunded. Otherwise only the deposit is refunded.
Why does Tato.ink Charge a Service Fee?
- Part of the Service Fee is used to pay the credit card companies, so it doesn't come out of your deposit to the artist.
- Part of the Service Fee is used to pay us, Tato.
The Service Fee is what pays the computing/server bills and keeps us in business! We also handle the credit card processing fees so when you put down a deposit for your favourite artist, they are getting the full value of the deposit.
Our Business Model
- Ignoring weird currency exchanges/international cards, credit card processing is usually ~2.9%. We aren't big enough to negotiate this rate yet.
- We aim to make about ~$3.10 per deposit, regardless of the deposit size. In our opinion, this is a fair ask.
- Should anything go weird with the percentages we eat the loss, not the artist.
- We handle refunds and chargebacks on our end, so money only ever goes into Artist accounts. We never take money out of Artist accounts.
- These are the rules-of-thumb that essentially determine our service fee.
The Service Fee is how we offer the booking tool for free to artists. Our incentives are aligned to provide the best possible booking tool, not maintain/squeeze subscriptions.